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Webinar on LAES and Isolated Grids, 3 May 2023

On Wednesday May 3, the Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Council holds a webinar on how Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) and renewables can be used to decarbonize isolated grids or industries.

SFW’s speaker in the webinar is Director, Market Development Jan Andersson from our Energy Storage business line, followed by notes by Gianni Chianetta from Greening the Islands.

Jan and Gianni will talk about decarbonizing prime targets, such as isolated grids or industries, with the LAES technology and renewables: “Islands or remote locations without grid connection experience high energy costs from fuel transportations. Renewable energy paired with LDES presents an attractive solution to reduce fuel dependency, lower emissions and provide affordable energy. LAES can provide inertia to the grid, helping it maintain stability in high-renewable scenarios.

To reserve your own virtual spot in the webinar, register via Zoom.
Webinar info

When? On Wednesday May 3, 2023, at 9-10 am (EST) / 16-17 pm (EEST)

What is covered? Decarbonizing an isolated grid or industry with LAES and renewables – taking a closer look at the business case for decarbonizing an isolated system (or micro-grid) and the technology making it possible.

Who is speaking? Jan Andersson/SFW, Gianni Chianetta/Greening the Islands

How to register? Via this link