
Fuel-flexible technology central to the circular economy
Transforming waste material into energy is one of the most valuable forms of ‘recycling’. Gasification is a process that converts traditional fuels like biomass, municipal and industrial waste into valuable ‘syngas’.
We provide two gasification technologies: one using air, the other a mixture of oxygen and steam. With the latter, the resulting syngas is free from nitrogen, making it suitable for applications other than combustion.
Gasification is a series of thermal processes including drying, pyrolysis, combustion and reduction. The main components in the syngas Oxy-Steam Gasification produces are hydrogen and carbon monoxide. They’re the basic ‘building blocks’ of many valuable chemicals and fuels, including methanol, diesel and jet fuel. So, this technology can unlock the value of waste streams by turning them into energy or feedstock for biorefineries, replacing transport fuels, reducing CO2 emissions and promoting circularity.
This technology can divert tonnes of household waste annually and convert it into renewable low-carbon fuel. By using waste as a feedstock, tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year can be avoided, by replacing fossil fuel with waste-based fuel alternatives and the capture of carbon dioxide.
Flexible and efficient
- Our technology is the most fuel-flexible on the market. Unlike others, we can utilize a wide range of fuels, including waste streams with refuse-derived fuels (RDF/REF), demolition wood, forest and agriculture residues, sludge, and other non-recyclable wastes.
- Other technologies use high temperatures and short residence times. Our technology takes advantage of vigorous mixing and long particle residence times to efficiently gasify even the lower quality fuels.
- With low-temperature fluid bed gasification, the residual ash never melts, allowing the use of feedstocks considered too corrosive for other gasifiers.
- Waste gasification is a lower-cost route for hydrogen production compared to other technologies and can play a significant role as a transition technology towards the circular economy.
- Since 2010, our Oxy-Steam Gasification technology, combined with a syngas cleaning system, has been using wood-based biomass type of feedstocks on a 12 MWth scale. The system produces ultra-clean syngas that can be used to produce renewable diesel from biomass. The Oxy-Steam Gasification technology can also be applied to convert waste to other fuels and chemicals.
There’s a wide range of applications for this fuel-flexible, efficient and ultra-clean technology. Generating a syngas with the basic raw materials for many chemicals and fuels makes it a versatile and powerful technology.